Yesterday's breakfast, Today's breakfast, Tomorrow's breakfast
January 27, 2024

For breakfast, are you a fan of bread, a traditional Japanese dish with rice and mountain vegetables, or perhaps an energy bar with coffee?
Regardless, the best breakfast is one that can be quickly prepared, provides essential nutrients, and boosts your energy. A representative New York breakfast, oatmeal, is a perfect choice for busy mornings—easy, healthy, and sensible.
Here's a recommended recipe:
- Place 1/2 cup of rolled oats and enough oat milk to cover in a pot.
- Add sliced bananas or seasonal fruits (amount according to your preference) to the pot for both cooking and topping.
- Bring to a boil, then simmer over low heat, stirring until you achieve your desired consistency. Optionally, add maple syrup to taste.
- Serve in a bowl and top with fruits, cinnamon powder, or raisins. Enjoy!
As for the nutritional value of oatmeal, it contains approximately twice the plant-based protein of white rice, and it is rich in minerals such as calcium and iron, which are often lacking in the Japanese diet. Moreover, oatmeal is a good source of vitamins B1 and E with antioxidant properties. Notably, it provides about 20 times more dietary fiber than white rice and approximately 3.5 times that of brown rice.